Sometimes it takes an innovative solution to fix a problem you never knew you had. For Jana Leonard — the mind behind The Baskiti Co. — stopping her 14-month-old son from grabbing all their fresh ...
Sometimes it takes an innovative solution to fix a problem you never knew you had. For Jana Leonard — the mind behind The Baskiti Co. — stopping her 14-month-old son from grabbing all their fresh fruits and veggies to use as balls during lockdown was the inspiration she needed to create a range of handwoven hanging storage baskets. Each one of Baskiti’s designs has a purpose in mind and takes aesthetics into high consideration: the natural cane baskets are elegant and understated, while the functional J hooks are rustic without looking unfinished. It wasn’t long after Jana’s first baskets were released that buyers were hooked — quite literally — and the range quickly expanded to include accessories like basket liners, coat hooks, canvas and leather braai bags and hanging planters.

Featuring Baskiti