By Mia Mélange

Verona Basket - Liquorice

Product information

R 3,470.00




This Verona Basket is a custom design handcrafted by the very talented Verona. Verona is the daughter of Bonita. Bonita used to be part of our team but sadly passed away in September 2018, leaving behind Verona, her two younger brothers and a grandson. In the beginning of 2019 Verona came to ask if...Show more
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About the brand

Mia Mélange

It’s said that every time you buy from an independent business an actual happy person does a dance. At Mia Mélange we know who’d be dancing — Babsy, Fina, Verona to name a few — because in this business every handcrafted item has a Maker, every Maker has a Name, and every Name is a significant threa...Show more