By The Counter

Tannie se Koekies (Koffie)

Product information

R 150.00





Traditional koffie koekies. (500g) Handmade by Ian's mom, yes, the lovely lady who taught our Chief Fudge Maker how to cook and bake all of the delectable treats you buy today. So just imagine how good the koekies made by the OG baker are?! These delicious coffee flavoured cookies are filled with a...Show more
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About the brand

The Counter

Gooey. Chewy. Fudgy. Creamy. If a picture is worth a thousand words, taste must be worth at least double that. Because no number of carefully curated words can come close to describing the satisfying sensation and flavour, of these confections. Fudge, brownies, cookies, brittle, marshmallows, salted...Show more