By The Counter

Fudge Slab (1kg)

Product information

R 395.00





Creamy fudge filled packaged in a sturdy white cardboard tray and heat sealed cellophane - finished with an 'I fudging love you' gift tag and ribbon. (1kg) You love fudge? Of course you do! Want to impress a loved one or a client? Why not buy them an entire one kilogram slab of our incredible fudge...Show more
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About the brand

The Counter

Gooey. Chewy. Fudgy. Creamy. If a picture is worth a thousand words, taste must be worth at least double that. Because no number of carefully curated words can come close to describing the satisfying sensation and flavour, of these confections. Fudge, brownies, cookies, brittle, marshmallows, salted...Show more